Invisalign made significant waves when it first hit the market. As one of the only alternatives to braces, this unique cosmetic product helps realign and straighten teeth and doesn’t require a long-term, highly visible, metal, and rubberband approach that is so hard to keep clean. However, that doesn’t mean anyone can grab it off the shelf at a drugstore or supermarket. To get Invisalign, patients must visit an orthodontist, where they must sign an Invisalign consent form. Our professionally created templates are the perfect solution for any busy orthodontist’s office because they are quick, simple to customize, and provide spaces for all the necessary information. By using a downloadable template, you cut down on wasted time and can offer a sleek, streamlined, consistent, and complete document.
What Is an Invisalign Consent Form?
Like other consent forms, an Invisalign consent form is a legal document creating an agreement for services. In this case, it is signed by a patient and given to an orthodontist before Invisalign can be used to realign the teeth. The patient signs to show that they have been adequately informed of any risks and benefits and understand what is being done during the treatment. Meanwhile, the orthodontist keeps this document as proof that they are only performing this cosmetic procedure at the patient’s request and have done their part to ensure the client has informed consent.
Elements of the Invisalign Consent Form
The Invisalign consent form is extensive and covers every aspect of the product, procedure, risks and inconveniences, and more. Below we will detail the elements of Invisalign consent forms so you understand what to expect. It is best to inquire with Invisalign before creating a unique, custom version of the standard-issued Invisalign consent form from the Invisalign company, as they may require you to either use the original document or remove their words and branding from modified forms.
- Title- This tells the reader what the form is for and is at the top of the page. Additionally, it makes it easy to locate this form in physical files since you only need to glance at the top of the sheet.
- Informed Consent Agreement Overview- The following section explains the form and how it works in more detail.
- Device Description- This section is self-explanatory as it literally describes what Invisalign is
- Procedure- The procedure portion of this form explains what you will likely need to have done first so that the orthodontist can prescribe Invisalign. It goes on to explain that you will receive a series of aligners and how long to wear each one. Finally, it orders you to follow the orthodontists’ instructions and advises that you may need different straighteners after the main set is done.
- Benefits- There are quite a few benefits to Invisalign, which are listed in this section. For example, you can more easily brush and floss your teeth during the treatment when you use this system. Most importantly, as a cosmetic enhancement, Invisalign beautifies teeth and provides a straighter smile.
- Risks and Inconveniences- The risks and inconveniences section on an Invisalign consent form is extensive, taking up almost an entire page. This may initially seem daunting. However, it is primarily due to the explanations of additional work some patients require before they qualify for Invisalign. For example, some teeth need interproximal recontouring and/or slenderizing to fit correctly within the Invisalign devices. Each risk or inconvenience is numbered for easy access and understanding.
- Informed Consent Agreements- In the Informed Consent section, you will find several statements you must agree with for this to be the right treatment for you. Examples of this include understanding the alternatives, reading carefully, and a basic medical release for the doctor. Although some patients may not agree to some items, like buttons on the teeth, that does not invalidate the overall consent form.
- Signature Lines- If you are under 21, you will need an additional witness, and minors must have their parent’s consent. Other than that, these are basic signature lines that include space for printed and hand-signed names and the date.
- Patient Contact Information- You will also find a space for the patient’s address information at the bottom of the form.
Tips for Creating or Downloading an Invisalign Consent Form Template
Although Invisalign offers its own complete form, you may still want to use your own template instead. For example, suppose your practice uses a more extensive consent form for any part of the Invisalign agreement, such as the medical record disclosures. In that case, adding to or creating a more comprehensive version of this document is a wise time investment.
- Keep your document separate from the original provided by the Invisalign company.
- Please do not use any Invisalign trademarks like their logo.
- You can use your own business logo and name instead
- Do not copy the exact wording from the Invisalign document. This is plagiarism.
- It is perfectly acceptable to require patients to sign both the Invisalign version and a secondary consent form for your business.
- Ensure that you adhere to any requirements from Invisalign.
- Check out our templates and consider using a professionally designed, preformatted consent document.
- Always ask your attorney if you have questions or need to consult on wording for your form.
- Ensure that you use a large, easy-to-read typeface so your patients can understand all the words.
- Consider including a statement for those who require translators or other accommodations to understand.
- People expect to see inclusive language in modern forms, so consider removing any outdated language you may have used in the past.
- Consider adding a section for disability and comfort accommodations.
- This is also a great place to include a sheet of care instructions for the teeth and device.
- Another excellent addition to a consent form is a brief question about how clients came to your office. Especially when you pay for advertising, it is essential to understand whether the ads are effective so you don’t throw money away. For example, if every patient sees your online ads, but none ever hears your radio spot, it is safe to conclude that you either need a better radio ad or this form of advertising isn’t bringing business to you at this time.
Things You Should Know Before Getting Invisalign
Although this is an ideal solution for many people, there are also many things you should know before getting Invisalign. Below we’ve collected the top 15 most important facts for you to learn prior to choosing Invisalign for your teeth.
- Custom- Invisalign is a tooth straightening system custom fitted to your mouth and teeth. No one else can use your Invisalign, and you should never share it.
- Cost- Invisalign costs the same as traditional braces.
- Orthodontist Rating System- Before choosing the orthodontist, you should look into their Invisalign rating. The ratings are Preferred, Premier, Elite, and Top 1%. These indicate how many patients your orthodontist sees for this type of treatment each year.
- Discomfort- Resetting how your teeth fit in your mouth can cause pain. Unfortunately, there is no way to get around this, but the same is true of traditional braces, and Invisalign is less likely to cause abrasions inside your mouth.
- Lisping- Wearing your aligners can cause some speech impairment. Typically, that means lisping.
- Tooth Looseness- One of the common complaints that Invisalign patients have is that their teeth feel loose when Invisalign is not in place. This is normal, as the teeth must be loosened to reset them within your mouth.
- Speed- Invisalign is quick. Most patients can expect to begin seeing some results in as little as 2-3 months.
- Retainers- After Invisalign, you may need to wear a retainer for some time to make the changes permanent.
- Brush and Floss- It is essential to brush and floss every time Invisalign comes out of your mouth, and ensure your teeth and gums are clean before replacing them. It’s a good idea to carry spare toothbrushes with you everywhere.
- Cleaning Aligners- Just as your teeth need cleaning when Invisalign is out, so do the pieces that you wear. Failing to do this can cause significant problems, so always remember to clean your Invisalign.
- Whitening- Many people want to whiten as they straighten their teeth. Fortunately, it is easy to do this by adding a whitening treatment inside your Invisalign while you wear it.
- 22 Hours A Day- Invisalign will be in your mouth for 22 hours per day to work correctly. This means that you will have to restrict your eating and drinking to the two hours per day that the system is not in place. While this can be a difficult change, it can also contribute to preventing you from snacking too often, which has other health benefits.
- Buttons- Buttons are small brackets that go on your teeth. If you need these, your orthodontist will fix them in place. These buttons help Invisalign put pressure in the right places so you get the perfect smile.
- Rubberbands- Like the buttons, you may also need orthodontic rubber bands. Depending on the unique shape of your mouth, these bands may help to reshape your smile.
- No Age Restriction- Finally, you should know that Invisalign is truly for everyone. No matter your age, you can get Invisalign for your smile.
Is Invisalign Right for Everyone
Invisalign is an excellent option for many people. Adults and teenagers who want to ensure good toothbrushing and don’t like the look of traditional braces. However, it is not the proper choice for everyone. Below is a quick list of things Invisalign cannot do.
- Handle large gaps, more than 6 mm
- Treat teeth rotated more than 20 degrees out of place.
- Treat severe malocclusions
- Treat severely tipped teeth that are off by more than 45 degrees
- Offer dentists more refined control over alignments
We’ve included a few of the most frequently asked questions from people who wanted to know about Invisalign consent forms. You’ll find plenty of supplemental information to help you with this topic.
To get Invisalign, patients must have all their adult teeth, usually around age 7. Still, for some, it can carry over into adulthood, and you may need additional work before Invisalign is a good fit. Additionally, an orthodontist must approve the treatment, you must sign the consent form, and it must fit your teeth and needs.
For most people, traditional braces take 12-18 months to complete the tooth realignment. Meanwhile, Invisalign usually only takes about 12 months. In short, Invisalign is faster than braces.
Six main issues could disqualify you from getting Invisalign. However, it’s best to consult an orthodontist if you’re not sure this will work for you.
ᐅ Too small teeth
ᐅ Eroded teeth
ᐅ Dental implants
ᐅ Misshapen teeth
ᐅ Bridges
You can decline attachments with Invisalign. For the most part, it will still be effective. However, without the proper attachments, you may not get the best possible results, so we recommend discussing this with your orthodontist.
An orthodontist is the only one who can create an Invisalign plan for you. To do this, they must complete a 3D-rendered map of your teeth and how they currently sit. Then they have to work out how to make minute adjustments until all the teeth come into the correct place.
Final Thoughts
Getting Invisalign is a fantastic option for many people who only require mild to moderate tooth correction for that perfect smile. Although it’s not suitable for everyone, most people will find that this treatment can help them as long as they have all their adult teeth and none of the disqualifying issues. To get Invisalign, however, you must discuss your treatment plan with an orthodontist, and they will require you to sign an Invisalign consent form. This legal document shows that you understand the risks, benefits, possible side effects, and critical issues like care and cleaning and want to proceed with the treatment.