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Free Doctor Note Templates (for Work or School)

15 min read

It’s not uncommon for people to miss work due to various reasons such as illness, injury, medical procedures, or taking care of a loved one. However, it’s essential for employers to ensure that their employees are genuinely unable to attend work and not just trying to skip out on their responsibilities. This is where doctor’s notes come into play. As a healthcare provider, it’s crucial to have a reliable and well-designed doctor’s note template that can efficiently meet the needs of your patients while also saving you time and effort. By providing your patients with accurate and detailed notes, you can help them maintain their employment and ensure that they receive the necessary medical attention they require.

What is a Doctor’s Note?

A doctor’s note is a legal document that a doctor issues a patient showing that they came in for a visit and who saw them. These notes may come with additional informations and instructions such as requiring additional time off or restrictions at the workplace for a specified period of time.

For instance, if you work as a secretary and develop carpal tunnel syndrome due to extensive typing, your doctor may advise you to continue working but avoid activities that require the use of your hands. This recommendation is crucial for your treatment and can assist you in communicating with your employer about your condition. By keeping your employer informed about your limitations, they can work with you to create a more comfortable and supportive work environment while you recover.

Why is a Doctor’s Note Important?

A doctor’s note is important because it can literally save someone’s job. Employers usually require proof that they have a legitimate medical need. Moreover, having these crucial documents can provide the patient with a legal form that recommends their employer accommodate their needs. Additional time off to avoid spreading contagious viruses and infections or other requirements like not lifting anything heavy to avoid exacerbating a sprain or break is vital to healing.

What Is a Doctor’s Note Template?

A doctor’s note template is a form that allows a doctor, medical professional, or secretary to quickly and easily create a custom document for patients who need a note for work. While anyone may create these notes, only licensed medical professionals (usually but not always doctors) can sign them. These forms provide all the necessary elements of the note but are custom so that you can add things to them, such as a logo for your practice or additional sections you feel are necessary. These templates are professionally created to save time and ensure that the note contains all the vital information the patient needs to return to work.

It is equally important to provide your employer with a Doctor’s Note, especially when your medical condition is related to your work, workplace, or working conditions. Your employer needs to be informed of such information to take the necessary precautions and accommodations for your well-being as well as the workplace environment. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your employer informed of any medical conditions that could impact your work, and submitting a Doctor’s Note is an effective way to ensure that your employer has the necessary information to support you.

Doctor’s Note for Work

This doctors note template for work offers a systematic way to detail a patient’s clinic visit. It incorporates key appointment specifics, from the patient’s information to the attending medical staff, and from the description of the ailment to the final diagnosis and recommended care steps. The intuitive placeholders make it user-friendly, ensuring that all vital details are consistently captured. Recognizing the diverse needs of users, we’ve made this resource available in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats. This flexibility aids both medical professionals in maintaining clear patient records and individuals in tracking their medical history. It’s a valuable tool designed to enhance clarity and efficiency in medical documentation.

Doctor’s Return to Work Note

The Doctor’s Return to Work Note Template provides a clear and organized structure for healthcare professionals to detail a patient’s health status and recommendations for returning to the workplace. This template covers essential fields, from patient and employer details to specific medical information, ensuring that all pertinent data is efficiently communicated.

By employing this comprehensive format, physicians can provide transparent guidance regarding any workplace accommodations or restrictions the patient might require. Such a system not only fosters a safe and understanding work environment but also aids in smoother transitions back to professional life for the recovering individual. Recognizing the diverse needs of users, this template is available in Word and Google Docs formats for maximum convenience and adaptability.

Doctors Note For School

This Doctors Note For School template serves as a structured guide for medical professionals to provide pertinent information about a student’s medical condition, recommendations, and absence details. By utilizing this template, doctors can ensure that all relevant details are conveyed efficiently and comprehensively. Available in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats, this template ensures accessibility and ease of use for medical professionals across different platforms.

The inclusion of key sections like ‘Medical Condition’, ‘Restrictions/Recommendations’, and ‘Absence Details’ ensures that educational institutions receive a clear understanding of the student’s health status and any necessary accommodations. It strikes a balance between being detailed yet concise, making it beneficial for both the healthcare provider and the receiving school.

Urgent Care Doctors Note

This Urgent Care Doctor’s Note Template offers a structured format for medical professionals to detail a patient’s health condition and the accommodations or rest they might require. The template is designed to be comprehensive, capturing essential details such as the patient’s name, disease, limitations due to the condition, and recommended rest duration. It ensures that all necessary information is conveyed clearly and concisely. By providing the template in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats, it caters to various user preferences, making it accessible and easy to modify. Whether you’re a healthcare provider seeking to standardize your communication or an individual in need of a clear format for medical documentation, this template is a valuable tool.

Doctor’s Note for Jury Duty

This Doctor’s Note for Jury Duty template offers a structured format for medical professionals to detail and communicate a patient’s medical conditions and the potential implications for their ability to serve on a jury. The template outlines essential details, including doctor and patient information, medical diagnoses, recommendations, and the rationale for jury duty exemption. By providing clear sections for each piece of necessary information, the template ensures that all critical details are presented in an organized and easily understandable manner.

Available in Word and Google Docs formats, this resource streamlines the process of creating a comprehensive medical exemption letter for jury duty. Its user-friendly design ensures that both medical professionals and recipients can easily navigate and comprehend the contents.

Doctor’s Note for Depression

This Doctor’s Note for Depression template provides a structured format for medical professionals to detail their patient’s diagnosis, symptoms, treatment recommendations, and any special notes or recommendations related to the patient’s condition. Structured with clarity and precision, this template ensures that all relevant information is presented comprehensively. By delineating symptoms and their severity, as well as treatment modalities and durations, it offers a transparent and easily understandable overview of the patient’s current health status.

Furthermore, the template emphasizes confidentiality, reinforcing the importance of patient privacy. Available in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats, the versatility of this template ensures easy accessibility and customization to cater to individual patient needs. Offering such a clear and streamlined approach, this template aids in fostering effective communication between medical professionals, patients, and any third parties, such as employers or educational institutions.

Doctors Note for Surgery

This Doctors Note for Surgery template provides a comprehensive format to certify a patient’s requirement for a surgical procedure. It includes vital details ranging from patient and doctor information to postoperative care instructions. The template’s structure ensures that healthcare professionals relay all pertinent information, such as diagnosis, relevant medical history, surgical specifics, recovery guidelines, and prescribed medications.

By utilizing this template, doctors can offer a clear and organized documentation, ensuring seamless communication with other healthcare entities or professionals. Available in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats, this template caters to various user preferences, simplifying the process of official documentation.

More Templates

If you’re seeking comprehensive options, we have created an extensive collection of free doctor’s note templates here. These are available in Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats, ensuring versatility for your needs. Each template is fully editable, providing a seamless experience tailored to your specific requirements. Dive into our doctor’s note templates gallery to explore and utilize these ready-to-use resources.

Who Can Provide a Doctor’s Note?

A doctor’s note is a misnomer. Any licensed medical professional that can examine you and issue a diagnosis and prescription can also provide a doctor’s note. This includes physician assistants, nurse practitioners and naturopaths who are not traditional doctors but have similar skill levels, educational requirements, and medical licenses. Here’s a list of the types of medical professionals who can sign a doctor’s note (Includes but Not Limited).

  • Primary Care Physicians
  • Nurse Practitioners
  • Urgent Care Physicians
  • Physician Assistants
  • Clinical Social Workers
  • Osteopathic Physicians
  • Surgeons
  • Naturopathic Doctors (ND, NMD)
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychotherapist
  • Podiatrists
  • Optometrists
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors

Essential Elements of a Doctor Note Template

Doctor’s notes are not as extensive as most medical forms. However, we have provided an outline below showing the essential elements that go into a doctor’s note template and where they generally belong on the page. You can move the date from near the top to beside your signature at the bottom or include it in both locations if you prefer.

  • Title- At the top of the page, in large bold letters, the form should say “Doctors Note” or something similar. This shows the reader precisely what the document contains at a glance.
  • (Optional) Logo or Business Name- Most businesses include their name or a logo to show where the document originated.
  • Date- Put the date you saw the patient at the top to ensure the employer knows they were in your office that day.
  • Requirements- Whether you recommend more rest, time off to avoid spreading contagions or limitations for specific tasks at the workplace, you should leave a blank section to write these in. Doing this helps the patient get much-needed accommodations at their workplace.
  • Doctor Information- Put your name and contact information on the form so the employer can call to verify if they feel it’s necessary.
  • Patient Information- Add the patient’s name and (optional) contact information at the bottom of the form to show who you assessed.
  • Signature- Like all legal documents, you need to either print your name and add a handwritten signature or e-sign the form at the bottom to make it valid.

Pro tip

Ensure you are not sharing confidential patient information when including your recommendations for rest or work limitations or verifying the note over the phone with an employer. Unless you have written consent from the patient to give out that data, it is still a violation of their rights.

How to Get a Doctors Note

Obtaining a doctor’s note can be a crucial step in securing time off work, accommodations at school, or fulfilling legal requirements. The process of getting a doctor’s note involves seeking medical attention and discussing your situation with a healthcare professional. Here, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to obtain a doctor’s note, from determining the need to updating the note if necessary, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Step 1: Determine the Need for a Doctor’s Note

Evaluate your situation and ensure that obtaining a doctor’s note is necessary. This may include workplace or school requirements, medical accommodations, or legal purposes.

Step 2: Schedule an Appointment with Your Healthcare Provider

Contact your primary care physician, specialist, or the appropriate healthcare professional to schedule an appointment. If you don’t have a regular doctor, consider visiting an urgent care facility, walk-in clinic, or telemedicine provider.

Step 3: Prepare for the Appointment

Gather any relevant medical history, documents, or symptoms related to your condition. Write down any questions or concerns you may have for the healthcare provider. Be prepared to discuss your need for a doctor’s note during the appointment.

Step 4: Attend the Appointment

Be punctual for your appointment and discuss your medical concerns with the healthcare provider. Be honest and open about your symptoms and the reasons for needing a doctor’s note. Remember to ask for any specific documentation or requirements needed for your situation.

Step 5: Request the Doctor’s Note

During the appointment, kindly ask your healthcare provider to provide a doctor’s note. Ensure that the note includes necessary information, such as your name, date of the appointment, diagnosis, treatment, and any required accommodations or restrictions.

Step 6: Verify the Doctor’s Note

Before leaving the appointment, review the doctor’s note to ensure that it contains accurate information and meets the requirements for your specific situation. If any information is missing or incorrect, ask the healthcare provider to make the necessary changes.

Step 7: Submit the Doctor’s Note

Submit the doctor’s note to the appropriate party, such as your employer, school, or legal representative. Ensure that you follow any submission guidelines, such as deadlines, and keep a copy of the note for your records.

Step 8: Follow the Doctor’s Recommendations

Adhere to any medical advice, treatments, or accommodations provided by the healthcare professional in the doctor’s note. This may include taking medications, attending follow-up appointments, or adhering to specific restrictions.

Step 9: Communicate with Relevant Parties

Keep open lines of communication with your employer, school, or other relevant parties. Notify them of any changes in your medical condition, accommodations, or if you need an extension on your time off.

Step 10: Update the Doctor’s Note, if Necessary

If your medical situation changes or you require an extension, schedule a follow-up appointment with your healthcare provider to obtain an updated doctor’s note. Repeat steps 4-9 as needed.

The Right to FMLA

If you don’t have time off, it’s essential to know the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for medical reasons. This is separate from standard paid time off. To be eligible for FMLA time off, employees must have worked for their employer for at least 12 months and have at least 1,250 hours of service in the 12 months. If an employee is taking FMLA leave, the employer may require the employee to provide a doctor’s note verifying the need for leave. Doctor’s notes should be kept confidential and should only be shared with those who need to know, such as the employee’s supervisor or HR representative.

The doctor’s note should include the following:

  • The dates of the employee’s absence
  • The medical reason for the absence
  • The expected date of return to work


Does the doctor’s note need to be stamped?

A doctor’s note does not need to be stamped in most cases. Insurance companies don’t accept stamp signatures, and some doctors don’t have signature stamps. However, it depends on the note and the requirements of the organization the note is being submitted to. If you’re ever unsure whether you need to get a doctor’s note stamped, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and get it signed and stamped. That way, you can be sure that your doctor’s note will be accepted no matter where you submit it.
Note If you’re wondering whether the note needs a notary stamp, it does not.

Can my employer verify the doctor’s note?

Yes. Your employer can verify the doctor’s notes if there are absences from work. If you have been seen by a doctor for an illness or injury and have been given a note to excuse your absence from work, your employer can contact the doctor to verify the notes. Your doctor cannot provide private medical information, but they will say they saw you and issued a note if you allow them to confirm this information.

How one can tell if a doctor’s note is real?

The simplest way to tell if a doctor’s note is real is to call and verify it. Employers have the right to contact the issuing office and ask whether the note is legitimate. Although the doctor cannot give out privileged information without written permission, they frequently verify notes.

Can you get disciplinary for being off sick with a doctor’s note?

If you have a legitimate doctor’s note that states you are too ill to work, your employer typically cannot take disciplinary action against you. This is true even if you have been out sick for an extended period. However, if your employer has reason to believe that your illness is not legitimate or it violates company policy and is not under the protected FMLA, they may take disciplinary action. For example, if you frequently call in sick with no doctor’s note or if your doctor’s note is vague, your employer may suspect that you are abusing the system. In this case, they may take disciplinary action against you.

Can a doctor refuse to give you a note for anxiety?

Anxiety is a real mental health condition that can be debilitating. Regrettably, a doctor can indeed refuse to give you a note for anxiety. There are several factors to consider. For example, if your anxiety interferes with your ability to work or go to school, a doctor may be more likely to give you a note. However, if your anxiety is not severe, a doctor may not feel that a note is necessary and will refuse to issue one. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to give you a note for anxiety lies with the doctor. If you’re feeling anxious and want a note, it’s best to talk to your doctor about your options.

It is essential to bear in mind that obtaining a note for any medical condition is solely at the discretion of your physician. The specifics of the note you receive will depend on your doctor’s professional judgment, which takes into account their examination, diagnosis, and treatment plan for your condition.

How can I obtain the doctor’s note without visiting the doctor?

The only way to get a doctor’s note without visiting a doctor is to contact a doctor or other licensed healthcare professionals through a telemedicine/telehealth service. Since these visits are real doctor or healthcare professional visits, the physician who speaks or video chats with you can issue a note for work. However, they have to believe there is a valid reason to do so, or they may refuse, and there are many services telehealth medical professionals cannot offer. Typically, if you require a physical examination, then telehealth isn’t going to work for you.

Can you get fired for faking the doctor’s note?

Not only can you get fired for faking a doctor’s note, but the consequences can also be far worse than job loss. Doctors have medical licenses, and giving a medical diagnosis or note requires this license. If you fake a doctor’s note, you are breaking the law and can be charged. If you want to skip work, use your time off or get a doctor’s note.

Can an employer require a doctor’s note for one day?

While it is generally acceptable for an employer to request a doctor’s note to verify an employee’s illness or absence, the rules surrounding a one-day absence may vary depending on the company policy and local labor laws. Some employers may have a policy in place that does not require a doctor’s note for a single day of absence, while others may have stricter guidelines.

It’s essential for employees to familiarize themselves with their company’s policies on sick leave and medical documentation, as well as any applicable local labor laws. Employers should also ensure that their policies are clear, reasonable, and compliant with legal requirements. In some cases, privacy laws and regulations, such as HIPAA in the United States, may limit the information an employer can request from a healthcare provider. Therefore, both employees and employers must be mindful of these regulations when handling medical documentation.

Can a dentist write a doctor’s note?

Yes, a dentist can write a doctor’s note. Dentists are licensed healthcare professionals who specialize in oral health and dental care. They are qualified to diagnose, treat, and manage issues related to the teeth, gums, and mouth. Like other healthcare providers, dentists can issue a doctor’s note to document a patient’s dental condition, treatment, or the need for time off from work or school due to a dental issue.

A dentist’s note may be necessary for various reasons, such as following oral surgery, extensive dental treatment, or when a patient experiences severe dental pain that affects their ability to work or attend school. The note should include essential information, such as the patient’s name, date of the appointment, diagnosis, treatment plan, and any recommended time off or accommodations.

Can you get a doctors note for mental health?

Yes, you can get a doctor’s note for mental health. Mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and licensed therapists, are qualified to evaluate, diagnose, and treat mental health conditions. They can issue a doctor’s note to document a patient’s mental health condition, treatment plan, or the need for time off from work or school due to mental health-related issues.

A mental health doctor’s note may be necessary for various reasons and can be issued by your GP. Such as when a patient is experiencing severe anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions that impact their ability to function in their daily activities, work, or school. The note should include essential information, such as the patient’s name, date of the appointment, diagnosis, treatment plan, and any recommended time off or accommodations.

Do I need a doctor’s note for a service dog?

In many cases, yes, you will need a doctor’s note or a letter from a qualified healthcare professional to certify your need for a service dog. A service dog is specially trained to assist individuals with disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments, mobility challenges, or psychiatric conditions. The doctor’s note, often called a prescription or a letter of recommendation, serves as proof that the service dog is necessary for managing the individual’s disability and enhancing their quality of life.

To obtain a doctor’s note for a service dog, consult your primary care physician, specialist, or mental health professional who is familiar with your medical history and disability. The note should include essential information, such as your name, the specific disability or medical condition you have, and a statement explaining how the service dog will help you manage your disability.

It is important to note that regulations surrounding service dogs may vary depending on the country or jurisdiction you live in, so it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the local laws and guidelines. In the United States, for example, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the rights of individuals with service dogs, but there are specific rules and requirements to be followed.

In certain countries, the government may not offer service dogs to those in need. However, individuals may have the option to explore coverage for service dogs through their personal insurance provider. It is recommended to reach out to your insurance company, should you have one, to inquire about potential coverage for the acquisition, training, and upkeep of a service dog or other types of assistance animals. It is important to keep in mind that specific requirements may need to be met in order to qualify for such assistance.

Can urgent care write doctors note?

Yes, urgent care centers can write doctor’s notes. Urgent care facilities provide medical care for non-life-threatening conditions that require prompt attention, such as minor injuries, infections, or other acute health issues. They are staffed by qualified healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who are authorized to diagnose, treat, and manage various medical conditions.

When you visit an urgent care center for treatment, you can request a doctor’s note documenting your visit, the diagnosis, any treatments provided, and recommendations for time off or accommodations, if necessary. The note should include essential information, such as your name, the date of the visit, and the healthcare professional’s diagnosis and recommendations.

Is a doctor’s note an excused absence from work?

In most cases, a doctor’s note is considered an excused absence from work. A doctor’s note serves as official documentation from a healthcare professional, providing evidence that the employee has a legitimate medical reason for their absence. Employers generally accept doctor’s notes as valid proof that an employee needs time off to recover from illness or injury, or to attend medical appointments.

However, the acceptance of a doctor’s note as an excused absence may depend on the company’s policies and any applicable labor laws in your jurisdiction. Some companies may have specific requirements, such as the length of absence or the need for additional documentation, which can impact whether an absence is excused or not.

It is essential for employees to familiarize themselves with their company’s sick leave policies and any relevant labor laws to ensure compliance. Employers should also communicate their policies clearly and make sure they are in line with legal requirements.

Does my employer have to accept a doctor’s note?

Your employer does not have to accept a doctor’s note in the US unless it is for FMLA. Although it is usually the policy of most companies to allow legitimately ill or injured employees to take time off if they have a doctor’s note, this is a courtesy and wise business practice, but not a legal requirement.

Key Points

Most employers in the US require a doctor’s note if you are missing work for medical reasons. These include illness, injury, and even mental health crises. Additionally, under the FMLA, a person can miss up to 12 weeks for themselves or while caring for other family members. However, you may still need a note if your company policy dictates it. These notes do not contain privileged information but often recommend more rest or have restrictions such as ‘cannot lift more than 10 lbs. for the next 2 months,’ as necessary. For physicians, nurse practitioners, and other licensed medical professionals, having a template around to create and sign these notes quickly and efficiently is essential. A template cuts down on wasted time, ensures the patient’s note has all the essential elements and allows you to customize the form to suit your needs. A good, high-quality doctor’s note template is easy to use and created by a professional, so you don’t have to work from scratch to do it yourself. Just download, make minor modifications, print, and sign.

About This Article

N.Aybike Åžahin
Co-authored by:
Certified Medical Physician
This article and its template(s) were co-authored by , General Physician, and 4 others. Dr. N. Aybike Sahin is a highly qualified medical doctor with licenses to practice in Turkey and the UK, specializing in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology. She has served as Chief of Medicine and has extensive experience in both clinical practice and medical research, having worked in research settings in both Turkey and Sweden. Additionally, Dr. Sahin holds certifications as a Bioresonance Specialist and Occupational Physician, highlighting her passion for exploring diverse aspects of medicine. Her commitment to patient care is exemplified by her participation in numerous courses, and she strives to provide the highest quality care to her patients. With her love for medicine and dedication to patient well-being, Dr. Sahin is an exceptional physician and researcher.