Dermal fillers are a popular cosmetic treatment used to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. While dermal fillers can be a great way to improve your client’s appearance, they need to understand the risks associated with this procedure. That’s where a dermal filler consent form comes in. This essential document shows that they were duly informed about the product and voluntarily consented to undergo the treatment. We strongly recommend using our dermal filler consent form template because it offers a professionally designed structured format that helps ensure that you and your clients get all the correct information.
What Is a Dermal Filler Consent Form?
A dermal filler consent form is a legal document used when a client requests a dermal filler. It outlines the procedure, its benefits, and potential risks associated with the treatment, asks relevant health questions, and allows the patient to provide informed consent. The form often details the type of dermal filler being used and additional information about the product that may be relevant for the patient to be aware of.
Why Is Dermal Filler Consent Form Important?
Dermal filler consent forms aren’t required by law. Unfortunately, a notable lack of industry regulation means that many clients seek treatment from unqualified sources, which can lead to damage and injury. By providing this form, you are respecting their rights and taking steps to help protect yourself and your business from litigation. Below are all the reasons you should always have clients fill out a dermal filler consent form before proceeding.
- It is a legally binding document showing patient consent
- It provides information on the procedure
- It protects the therapist and business from litigation
- It encourages open dialogue and helps build client trust and confidence
- It provides contact information and medical information about the client
- It shows the risks and benefits of having the dermal filler
- It includes information on alternatives
Essential Elements of a Dermal Filler Consent Form
The essential elements of a dermal filler consent form include patient and medical history information, statements of assent, and information about dermal fillers, including their risks, side effects, and limitations. Most importantly, the signature and date make this document a legally binding agreement. We’ve created an outline below that shows all the essential elements of this document, where they are found on the page, and a handful of additional sections that can help you create a more complete form.
- (Optional) Logo or Business Name- This is a standard part of most consent forms and helps give it a polished, professional appeal.
- Title- The form’s title is “Dermal Filler Consent Form,” and it should be written in large, bold print at the top to clarify what this document is and what it does.
- Client Name- Be sure to include their full legal name
- Date of Birth- Self-explanatory
- Client Contact Information- Collect their phone number and email at least, but adding a space for the client address is also a good idea
- (Optional but Recommended) Technician/Therapist Name- Especially if more than one person working at your location offers this service, it is vital to ensure you know who worked with each client
- Medical Questions- Ask standard medical questions about relevant allergies, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and any medications the client takes to ensure no adverse reactions.
- Previous Experience- Has the client ever had dermal fillers before? If so, when and what kind?
- Adverse Condition Checklist- List all the conditions, such as hypertrophic scarring and epilepsy, which could make this client a bad fit for the procedure. Leave lines or checkboxes beside each condition for them to fill out.
- Consent Purpose Statement- Inform the client that they should have received written information about the specific dermal filler or options and have an opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns before signing their consent.
- Treatment Information- Provide the client with information on the purpose and effect of dermal fillers.
- Risks and Side Effects- List all the common risks and side effects of dermal fillers
- (Optional) Procedure Duration Information- Tell the client how long their session will last
- Alternatives and Limitations Statement- Make sure you let the client know the specific limitations and what alternative treatments are available to them
- (Optional) Aftercare Instructions and Assent Statement- Explain in detail how the client should care for their injection sites and ask that they agree to follow those directions
- General Assent Statements- Statements of assent show that the client has read all the information, understands the procedure, waives liability, provides correct medical information, knows the risks and alternatives, and consents to the treatment voluntarily.
- Signature and Date Lines- The most critical aspect of this form are the client’s signature or e-signature and date. Without these, the document is just a piece of paper.
Pro Tip: Include a short section offering clients additional accommodations such as a ‘chat-free’ experience or music of their choice. Not only will this make many clients more comfortable, but it is a necessity for many sufferers of ‘invisible’ diseases and conditions who might otherwise forgo beauty treatments because of emotional distress.
Tips for Writing a Better Dermal FIller Consent Form
Here are some of our best tips for wiring a better dermal filler consent form.
- Use a professionally designed template.
- Make sure the client asks any questions before they sign.
- Recommend comfortable clothing and suggest they leave any makeup or products off their face before coming in for treatment.
- When appropriate, ask politely if they need you to define any of the terms used or explain anything differently or more in-depth.
- Keep the language simple. Most people do not understand complex industry-specific terms.
- Stay up-to-date on your local laws and best practice for dermal fillers.
- Make changes or additions to your dermal filler consent form template over time as standards and requirements change.
- If you are unsure about your specific wording, consult an attorney for advice on how to ensure your document is concise and legally binding.
- Avoid fancy, hard-to-read fonts, and always run a basic spelling and grammar check before you print or publish your consent form.
Dermal filler consent forms necessarily contain and collect a lot of information. To make it easier for you and your clientele, we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions from people seeking to learn more about the process. Here you will find plenty of information about how long dermal fillers last, who can give the treatment, and more.
In fact, you do not need a prescription for dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are a popular choice for those looking to reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. While many assume that you need a prescription for dermal fillers, this is not the case. This means anyone can access these treatments without having to go through the hassle of visiting a doctor or getting an official prescription.
Dermal fillers are a popular and effective way of reducing wrinkles and restoring facial volume. However, it is vital to ensure that they are correctly administered. This is why anyone who wishes to give dermal fillers must undergo the necessary training. The training process for giving dermal fillers involves learning the face’s anatomy, understanding different fillers, and mastering injection techniques. It also includes learning about safety protocols and possible side effects.
Dermal fillers are a great way to improve the overall look of your face by contouring or reducing fine lines and the appearance of wrinkles. But many people wonder if these fillers stay in their bodies forever. The answer is n. Dermal fillers are not permanent and will eventually be broken down by the body over time. However, how long it lasts depends on the type of filler used and the injection area. Generally speaking, most dermal fillers will last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
Filler and dermal filler are both materials used in rejuvenating skin treatments designed to restore volume and reduce wrinkles. However, dermal filler is made from different chemicals and has a longer-lasting effect than simple filler. Dermal filler is typically made with substances such as collagen, fat, or silicone, while some fillers, like Profilho, are made using only hyaluronic acid. Additionally, different fillers have varying degrees of softness based on the type of material used. Finally, fillers typically last between four to six months, while dermal fillers may last up to two years.
Dermal filler is a non-invasive procedure. Dermal fillers are injected directly into the skin to add volume, reduce wrinkles and folds, and even out an uneven complexion. The process is considered non-invasive because there is a small needle involved, and there are no significant scars or long recovery periods to worry about. The needles can cause discomfort, and the injection site may be sore for about 48 hours afterward. However, side effects are generally minimal and temporary. Dermal filler injections are not permanent, so repeat treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired level of volume or correction.
When the filler is injected into the skin, it is composed of a gel-like substance made up of sugar molecules. When the filler is injected, it is broken down by enzymes in the body, and hyaluronic acid is absorbed into the body. The sugar molecule is then broken down further, metabolized, and eliminated from the body via the kidneys and eventually passes as part of your urine.
Final Thoughts
A Dermal Filler Consent Form is a document that must be read and signed by a patient before undergoing dermal filler treatment. The form contains information about the procedure, possible risks and complications, and the potential benefits of the treatment. It includes health questions relevant to the treatment. Also, it states that the patient understands that the results of the procedure are long-lasting but not permanent and that additional treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired results. By choosing a dermal filler consent form template, you cut down on wasted time while still creating a customized, highly professional legal document with all the pertinent information.