The dermaplaning technique was initially developed for use on the face but can be used for other areas. The process of dermaplaning removes a layer of dead and damaged skin cells on the skin’s surface. Eliminating these cells helps improve the skin’s appearance, reduces pores, and smooths the skin. However, as a dermaplaning service provider, you must ensure your clients sign a dermaplane consent form before each treatment. The easiest and fastest way to accomplish this is with a professionally created dermaplaning consent form template.
What Is a Dermaplane Consent Form?
A Dermaplane Consent Form is a document used as a legal agreement between a person getting a Dermaplane facial treatment and the service provider. It outlines the procedure and outlines any risks associated with the treatment. The form also seeks to ensure the client has received adequate information to provide informed consent and assurance that they understand the risks and benefits of the procedure. The content of a Dermaplane Consent Form will vary depending on the provider but typically includes private client information, including name, address, contact details, a record of whether the client has received a medical consultation prior to the treatment, and more.
Why Is Dermaplane Consent Form Important?
Dermaplane consent forms are important for many reasons. These forms benefit both the client and the provider, such as a cosmetologist or dermatologist, and help ensure all parties know the risks and responsibilities involved in this cosmetic medical treatment. Below we’ve provided an overview of the most important benefits of this document.
- It provides information about the risks and expected outcome of a dermaplaning procedure
- It requests vital medical history information to prevent clients with contraindicated conditions from undergoing the procedure
- It establishes the terms of the treatment and consent
- It protects businesses and practitioners from liability
- It respects client rights and promotes a deeper understanding of the process
- It helps encourage open communication and trust
Fun Fact: Modern dermaplaning uses sterile surgical knives and requires special education and skills, but this practice has existed for centuries. In ancient India, women used a tool known as the katori chamach to scrape away dead skin. Similarly, the kogao was used by women in ancient Japan to shave the face in an attempt to prevent wrinkles and encourage youthful skin.
Essential Elements of Dermaplane Consent Form
The essential elements of a dermaplane consent form are extensive. They cover risks and benefits, medical and product use questions, permission for photography, and many other vital aspects of the treatment in addition to the consent itself. To help you better understand what to expect and why it is needed, we’ve provided a list of all these elements here:
- (Optional) Business Name or Logo- Logos and business information are a standard part of most professional documents.
- Form Title- The top of your form should have large letters and bold print reading “Dermaplane Consent Form” so the reader instantly understands what they are reading.
- Brief Description of Service- Explain in a few sentences what dermaplaning is and what it does.
- Risk Awareness Statements- List the common risks associated with dermaplane procedures. Leave room for clients to initial before each risk statement to show they have read and understood the contents.
- Medication, Skincare, and Supplement Use- It is vital to ask whether potential clients use certain products like blood thinners, vitamin A, and skin antibiotics.
- Medical Condition Disclosures- This is typically presented as a list with checkboxes and asks about skin conditions, herpes simplex A, and other contraindicated conditions.
- Photographic Permission and Release- Have the client initial if they consent to before and after photos and release these for medical, educational, or advertising purposes.
- Assent Statement- This statement shows that the client is a legal adult, who understands the side effects, has discussed any medical or psychological conditions that would prevent effective treatment, agree to seek medical treatment if they have adverse effects, agree to follow all aftercare recommendations, and that they will pay for the treatment.
- Sterilization and Medical Waste Disposal Statement- Briefly explain the cleanliness of the tools and sterile environment (per CDC instructions) and how needles are disposed of after the treatment.
- Consent Statement- The consent statement is a few sentences that show the client has read all the information, understands their rights and responsibilities, the process, the fact that results are not guaranteed, waives liability, and consents to undergo treatment.
- Patient Signature and Date- Have the client sign here to indicate consent.
- Witness Signature and Date- It is best to have an outside witness with no stake in the outcome of the procedure sign to show they witnessed the document signing.
The dermaplaning consent form template and this article are intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace the advice of a physician or other health care professional or provide legal advice. For those performing this procedure, it’s best to contact your licensing board or an attorney to learn more about these essential documents’ legal and medical uses.
If you have any questions about dermaplaning, don’t hesitate to contact your health care provider. It is essential to review the details of your dermaplaning consent form, especially the risks and benefits of the procedure, with your provider before signing. Additionally, clients should familiarize themselves with the aftercare instructions and consult a skincare specialist, such as a dermatologist, to ensure they are a good candidate.
We’ve answered the most frequently asked questions about this topic to help you get the most out of your dermaplane consent form template. Below are facts and details about whether patients disclose other medical information, whether these documents are confidential, and further important details.
It is necessary to sign a consent form before undergoing a dermaplaning treatment. Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that uses a scalpel to scrape away the outermost layers of the skin gently. This procedure can cause some discomfort and could potentially pose risks, so it is crucial for patients to know the potential risks and side effects before undergoing the treatment. A consent form should explain the procedure in detail and any possible risks and side effects. This information will help ensure that the patient is fully informed of the risks and benefits of dermaplaning before making an informed decision about whether or not to undergo the procedure. The procedure is usually done on the face, but patients may also have dermaplaning done on other areas of their body, like the hands or underarms. After the outermost layers of skin are removed, a professional will use a scalpel to remove any dead skin cells, dirt, and other debris that may be present to achieve smoother, more radiant-looking, younger-looking skin.
Yes, it is essential to disclose any medical conditions on the Dermaplane Consent Form. Unfortunately, some preexisting medical conditions can affect the safety or effectiveness of the dermaplaning procedure. For example, people with eczema, psoriasis, acne, herpes, and other skin conditions may need to take special precautions or not be able to undergo the procedure. Disclosing any medical conditions can help the dermatologist or technician provide the most appropriate care and advise on aftercare.
If the client changes their mind about the procedure after signing the Dermaplane Consent Form, the clinic should have a policy in place to deal with this situation. Generally, if a client has changed their mind, they should be allowed to cancel their appointment without any penalties. If the clinic has already collected payment for the procedure, they should provide a refund to the client. Additionally, all paperwork and consent forms should be voided and discarded to ensure no further changes can be made without the client’s knowledge or consent. The clinic should also discuss with the client why they decided to change their mind and use this information to improve their client experience.
The client can request a copy of the signed Dermaplane Consent Form for their records. The consent form copy should include all the information you provide and collect about the procedure and the client.
Each time a patient receives a dermaplane treatment, they must sign a new Dermaplane Consent Form. Having them do this ensures that the patient is aware of the risks and benefits associated with the procedure, which do not change over time or with subsequent treatments, that the consent has not been rescinded, and that they are aware of any changes in the document. Additionally, it offers people providing the treatment to ask the same medical history questions because people’s individual medical conditions do change. The form also serves as a way to ensure patients have not developed new allergies or begun using new medicines, supplements, or skincare products that are contraindicated.
The information provided on the Dermaplane Consent Form is kept confidential. Although it is not required, this document sometimes includes a confidentiality clause stating that all information provided (excluding any photographic releases) will be kept confidential and not shared with third parties. Additionally, the form requires the patient to sign a consent statement acknowledging that they understand and agree to the terms of confidentiality
Final Thoughts
A Dermaplane Consent Form is an essential document a client must sign before receiving a dermaplaning treatment. This document provides the client and the technician with legal protection and ensures that both parties understand the risks of dermaplaning and agree to them. By signing the form, clients assert they have been informed of any possible risks associated with the treatment and agree to undergo treatment as described and according to the terms and conditions outlined in the document. It also provides a written record of the consent if it is called into question later. Choosing a dermaplane consent template can help you save time and easily create a high-quality document that fulfills your legal obligations while respecting client rights.