Rotating Shift Schedule Template

Rotating Shift Schedule Template in Excel and Google Sheets
Rotating Shift Schedule Template in Excel and Google Sheets
Rotating Shift Schedule Template - Settings Sheet

The rotating shift schedule is created for organizations and teams needing consistent coverage across differnt shifts. This system supports continuous operations within a defined rotation cycle.

This template is designed to organize 3 shifts with automation, automatically reflecting defined shift names and teams into the main schedule. This reduces manual entry and saves time in the scheduling process.

You can use the settings sheet to define shift names, durations, and times. After you set these details, they automatically reflect in the main template. Additionally, teams or individual employees can be listed in the settings sheet for easy selection and assignment through dropdown menus.

The schedule's starting date is to match your timeframe dynamically and to align the days and dates according to your starting point. After setting the starting date and defining the shifts and teams in the settings sheet, you can now assign these shifts to specific employees or teams using the dropdown menu in the chart section. You can click on any empty cell in the chart to assign your desired shift.

You can personalize this rotating schedule template for any duration of shifts and for as many employees or teams as needed in Google Docs and Excel.

Authored by: Highfile Staff More info
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