To use this lookahead template, input your project start date, and the template will update the three-week schedule around your date. You can jump to any set of three weeks within your project by entering the desired starting week number in the “navigate to week” cell. For instance, entering “3” will bring up the schedule for weeks 3, 4, and 5 from your starting date of the project.
You can assign different tasks to specific team members, define start and finish dates of each task, and define the completion status in the percentage complete cell. Each cell in the three-week table has a drop-down menu to indicate task progress using visual markers like ticks, crosses, flags, and other icons to make planning or scheduling the specific days.
In the settings sheet, you can modify team members, adjust priority statuses, and personalize task markers to fit the needs of your project. This template is designed to make the three-week lookahead simple and effective in both Excel and Google Sheets.